Sunday, March 24, 2013

1st Day of Spring was a blizzard lol...

The first day of Spring here was a blizzard. Laughable really! Still having issues with the other schools parents parking in the bus loop with buses in it with people and kids who can walk impeded!!! Meanwhile because they are so lazy! I could use a much stronger word of how I feel about them, I'm not able to park now where it's best for me to lift that huge hunk of metal in and out of our car without hurting each time. So yes... I am rather annoyed to put it mildly... not impressed at all.

Oatie managed to get his snowpants on himself the other day actually on the first day of Spring ironically enough.

I haven't ever worn real fur ever but I saw a propaganda video snuck out of China posted on FB of a fur factory which has made me feel sick for days, it was how they skinned the animals alive (Including peoples pets with collars on them still) and left them to die after being electrocuted... skinned and thrown in a heap to die. It was horrific and I look at our 5 furry cats and just hug them that bit more each day if that's possible.

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